H Hommii33 普通用户 1 0 1 2024/11/26 #1 Hi so i just purchased the grappler script and having issue with the menu, it only shows squares and no letters. How can I fix this? 附件 Grand Theft Auto V 11_25_2024 2_53_51 PM.png 663.9 KB · 查看: 0
Hi so i just purchased the grappler script and having issue with the menu, it only shows squares and no letters. How can I fix this?
Autism 版主 Autism大型整合包作者 网站员工 82 36 28 2024/11/26 #3 This may be a language issue, as this plugin is made in Chinese and displays it in Chinese, while you are using English, resulting in the block error
This may be a language issue, as this plugin is made in Chinese and displays it in Chinese, while you are using English, resulting in the block error
D dave47 普通用户 1 0 1 2024/12/07 #4 SOUL 说: check private message 点击展开... Hello. I want to buy the police grappler in English version.
Autism 版主 Autism大型整合包作者 网站员工 82 36 28 2024/12/07 #5 dave47 说: Hello. I want to buy the police grappler in English version. 点击展开... Initiate a private message with him, you can explain in detail
dave47 说: Hello. I want to buy the police grappler in English version. 点击展开... Initiate a private message with him, you can explain in detail